Pictures from Events

National Service Day – Picture from Hanover Review

State Fair 2019 – Pictures of Native Plant Garden and our booth

MG Training 2020 Open House – Doing interviews for potential trainees for 2020.

Refurbished Gardens at MG Office – Pictures of our newly replanted gardens at front door of office.

Tomato Judge for State Fair  – Ed Wall served as a judge for tomatoes at the State Fair.

Scotchtown Garden 2020 – Pictures from 2020

Advertisement from Ashland Hanover Local July 10   – Once again they are including Ed and our booth as part of the advertisements for the Hanover Tomato Festival

Schuyler Quarry  Visit on 6/29/19 – has been updated with comments received so far. Check back for further updates.

Hanover Spirit of Volunteerism Celebration  About the celebration.

Trainees for 2019  Pictures of MG training class of 2019.

Plant Sale Report 2019   Information about and pictures from the potting party and plant sale in 2019.

Toastmaster Training  Six of us were able to attend some sessions with seasoned toastmasters to help develop and expand our speaking skills.

Pictures from MG Training Class on Sept 27  The hands on exercise for the day was identifying native and invasive plants on the grounds of Covenant Woods.

Ed Wall got his picture in the paper for our booth at the Hanover Tomato Festival.  See article.

Ag Day 

Potting Party   

Pictures from Plant Sales 

Do you know what happens when Val schedules a meeting on the Ides of March?

Painting Hubcaps

Open House for Fall MG Training 

Field Trip to Joseph Pines and Center for Biodiversity

Workday at Scotchtown  

2013 Training Class