September Garden Chores

Garden chores for September in zone 7bBy following this checklist, you can ensure that your garden is healthy, thriving, and producing an abundance of beautiful and tasty plants throughout the growing season.

Flower Beds, Trees, and Shrubs:

  • Adjust watering schedules based on weather patterns. Water deeply if rainfall is scarce, focusing on established trees and newly planted shrubs.
  • Continue deadheading spent blooms to encourage a prolonged flowering season and maintain the garden’s aesthetic appeal.
  • Assess plants for signs of nutrient deficiency and apply a balanced fertilizer if necessary. Follow the product label instructions for proper dosage.
  • Monitor for aphids, spider mites, and caterpillars. Treat affected plants with natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Cut back and remove old flower stalks from your annuals. Fertilizer them to encourage one more color before the winter.
  • Start preparing your flower beds for the planting of cool-season annuals.
  • Now is a good time to plant woody ornamentals because they have time to establish themselves before the spring.
  • Divide and replant perennials and bulbs that have become overcrowded or too large.
  • No more pruning your shrubs or trees, unless it is necessary. Pruning may encourage new growth to occur, which might be damaged during the winter.
  • Divide and replant crowded perennials. This is the last month to plant any new perennials and biennials.

Kitchen Garden:

  • This month usually brings mild weather. Plant or transplant cool-weather crops such as beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, lettuce, mustard, onions, radishes, spinach, and turnips.·
  • Harvest herbs and store in a cool, dry place.  Transplant herbs like rosemary, ginger, and Mexican tarragon. Harvest ripe vegetables promptly to encourage continuous production.
  • Clean out your summer vegetable garden once the plants have stopped producing. Remove any that were susceptible to disease and insects. ·
  • Keep a vigilant eye for pests and diseases. Control issues promptly using natural remedies and remove affected plants to prevent disease spread.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer if nutrient deficiencies are observed, avoiding over-fertilization.
  • Start indoor seeds for fall vegetables like kale, lettuce, and broccoli. Transplant seedlings later for a fall harvest.
  • Prepare for fall by adding compost or organic matter to enhance soil structure and fertility for the next planting season.
  • Save seeds from healthy, mature vegetables for future plantings. Ensure proper drying and storage in a cool, dry place.
  • Harvest herbs for drying or preserving. Regularly prune herbs like basil to encourage leaf production.


  • Address lawn stress factors, whether due to pests, diseases, or inadequate rainfall. Mow with a sharp blade, removing only one-third of grass blades to reduce stress.
  • Fertilize lawns this month. Use a controlled-release nitrogen


  • Add organic matter to all planting areas. Be sure there’s an inch-thick layer of mulch on your garden beds to control weeds.
  • For healthy grass, avoid weed and feed products. Only apply herbicides to areas with weed infestations.

General Tips:

  • Regularly inspect the garden for signs of stress or diseases. Adjust watering schedules promptly and remove affected leaves to prevent disease spread.
  • Remove debris and dead plant material from garden beds to prevent overwintering of diseases and pests.  Add leaves and organic material to your compost pile.  Take care to no add diseased plants to compost piles.  Those should be removed from the property.
  • Research and prepare for your fall garden. Order seed catalogs and make a plant list for next spring and summer garden.
  • Move your houseplants back indoors.