Master Gardener Terms

Activity – volunteer time approved for a specific purpose

AG Day – Agriculture Day a yearly event for third graders

Association Meetings – typically 4 meetings a year with guest speaker, necessary business of the association and a pot-luck dinner

BI (Better Impact) – on-line program used for announcements, schedule of events and sign-up, document storage, important links, etc.

CE – Continuing Education hours – Hours entered into BI which have been approved for MG activities

EMG – Extension Master Gardener – a Master Gardener associated with the Virginia Cooperative Extension office – web site for reference articles – our HMGA email address – web site – in addition to the public space and an area for HMGA Member Only (password sunshine)

HGS – Home Gardening Series – also called “hugs” – a series of classes offered free and open to the public

MG – Master Gardener – anyone who has qualified to be a Master Gardener and maintains their active status according to state requirements

HMG – Hanover Master Gardener – Gardener associated with the Hanover office

HMGA – Hanover Master Gardener Association – a volunteer association dedicated to coordination of activities of the Hanover MGs

HMGA Bylaws – guidelines that govern the HMGA

HMGA Handbook – guide to HMGA governance, roles and responsibilities along with a listing of MG activities

Member-Led Meetings – topics presented by a MG, MG with an Intern or other guest speaker to the HMGA members and non-members

MWEE – Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience – Also called “me we” – yearly event for sixth graders

Plant Clinics – a roving help desk set up at various public locations where the public can ask their gardening questions

Plant Clinic Box – requirement for all plant clinics. The box contains documents and other materials used for plant clinics

PMG (Perst Management Guide) – VCE publication

Speakers Bureau – topics presented by a MG or MG and Intern to community organizations

Volunteer Hours – hours entered into BI for approved for MG activities

VCE – Virginia Cooperative Extension

VMGA – Virginia Master Gardener Association – a state sponsored volunteer association dedicated to coordination of activities of the Virginia MGs