Witch Hazel

Hamamelis virgiana L.

Mature size: is considered a large shrub or small tree to 20 feet tall, often forming clumps

The Witch Hazel is an understory of mainly moist upland forests. Its leaves are alternate, simple, 3 to 6 inches long, broadly oval, and with an uneven base. The flowers are bright yellow, with four very slender petals one-half to three-quarters long, and bloom in mid- to late fall. The bark is smooth, gray-brown, and the twigs are finely fuzzy, slender, and light brown.

Fun facts: An extract from the bark is used to make a skincare product. It exhibits a striking yellow fall color.

Witch Hazel Tree

For more information: http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/dendrology/syllabus/factsheet.cfm?ID=50